We lost a good friend and long-time supporter on May 19th. Dr. Shotwell gave generously of his time and talents for the betterment of this Museum. We have missed his presence over the last year. In his honor, we will commemorate his artistry in the Native American Exhibit area with a plaque in the near future.

Alan and Adele at Orange Elementary School working with children
on a history-based art project.

Hall before Alan's mural artistry.

Exhibit surrounded by Alan's mural.

Alan painting the Dolley/James Cut Out. 2019 (based on Montpelier's statue).

Alan's sense of humor was always a delight. He had us pose as historic era people using cell phones & searching for bars.

(L-R) Charles Brewer, Alan, and Dr. Hal Young planning the exhibit panels and overall theme of the mural. 2018.