Hours to Visit:
Closed Tuesdays
M, W & Weekend 10 am - 4pm
Thursday & Friday 11am-5pm
129 Caroline Street,
Orange, Virginia 22960
Call Us: (540) 672-1776

July 8, 2023: Sponsors can be added as long as there is room on the Recognition Podium.
YES! I want to be a part of this once in a life-time project.
Sponsorships and legacy pavers are two great ways of being a permanent part of this amazing educational setting.
Donors Plaque Recognition
Four Levels of Sponsorship from
Bronze $500.00
Silver $1,000.00
Gold $2,500.00
Platinum $5,000.00
Your Company will be permanently recognized on an engraved plaque adjacent to the Charters of Freedom setting of your choice.
Once you submit you will be directed to the PayPal link for the James Madison Museum. Please enter the desired amount of sponsorship that you would like based on selections on the form. We will get back to you promptly to confirm your order and sponsorship level.